Emergency Nursing

Emergency nurses play a crucial role in healthcare. We navigate the chaos of emergency situations with skill, compassion and at times a little bit of sass. We are the jack of all trades. From administering life-saving interventions to triaging to providing emotional support to advocating for our patients. We think quick on our feet, adapt easily, and manage diverse medical conditions, trauma cases, and unexpected emergencies.

oxygen mask
Rushing to the ER
Doctor and Nurses Treating Critical Patient

Charting Tips for the New ER Nurse

Charting as a new ER Nurse can seem like a daunting task. I share how I document in my practice as an ER nurse, the key areas to focus on and I cover assessments, vital signs, communicating changes in patient status, what to avoid, general tips and more.

Emergency Nursing

Breaking Down the Basics

As a new ER nurse, there is a lot to learn! From the ABCs to ACLS, from mastering triage to learning to stabilize and care for critical patients. In this book, we review the essential basics you must master to provide safe and efficient care.

Brain and Report Sheets

Charting as a new ER Nurse can seem like a daunting task. I share how I document in my practice as an ER nurse, the key areas to focus on and I cover assessments, vital signs, communicating changes in patient status, what to avoid, general tips and more.

Doctors at the ER attending an emergency

Be the

BEST ER Nurse you can be!

Team Work Makes the Dream Work

❗Key Points❗:

💥-Be Proactive Not Reactive! Be prepared ahead of time for anything! Ensure that your rooms are stocked and ready for business. Suction? Oxygen? Ambu Bags? Pulse oximetry? Cardiac monitor leads? Bp cuff? Do you know where your IV supplies are? Is the crash cart readily available? Is your glucometer ready for business?

💥-Team Work Makes the Dream Work! The Emergency Department is dynamic, if you don't work as a team, you will not succeed. Help each other and have fun at the same time. Remember, its One Team.

💥-You will not know everything, EVER, and that's ok! This specifically applies to new ER grads! Ask questions, lots of them! If everyone is super busy, wait until patients are stabilized, then ask away! The more you know, the more confident you'll be, and at the same time you'll realize how much you actually don't know. So, ask more questions.

💥-Charting is extremely important! HOWEVER, patient care ALWAYS comes before charting! Take notes on a piece of paper, what is happening with times, then when you do get a chance to sit down, chart away. But don't forget, patient care comes above anything else.